When vim is shutdowns abnormally it leaves a bunch of .swp files
around.1 Given the way I program (very iterative and test focused)
those backups are rarely more current than the saved file. A great time saver
to help with recovery is the vim DiffOrig
command. After learning
about it on StackOverflow,
I put together the following bash script to find any swap files under the
current directory, open each in vim, run DiffOrig and prompt to delete after
you close vim.
swap_files=`find . -name "*.swp"`
for s in $swap_files ; do
orig_file=`echo $s | perl -pe 's!/\.([^/]*).swp$!/$1!' `
echo "Editing $orig_file"
sleep 1
vim -r $orig_file -c "DiffOrig"
echo -n " Ok to delete swap file? [y/n] "
read resp
if [ "$resp" == "y" ] ; then
echo " Deleting $s"
rm $s
I was planning on converting this to a vim function, but for now the extra
step of exiting vim and answering a prompt works fine. Also, my vim already
loads DiffOrig
. ArchLinux includes it in /etc/vimrc
If your vim doesn’t, I believe the following command will do it:
if !exists(":DiffOrig")
command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis
\ | wincmd p | diffthis
BTW Iron Men, I realize this post isn’t really Perl focused, but it is usually Perl files that I’m recovering!
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